Sunday, December 02, 2007
Why not rename December "Christmas" and be done with it?

People.. please... get a grip!
Do we really need...
... Christmas in November - as well as all through December??
...TEN percent of our year taken over by the Christmas theme? Shops basically full of trinketty crap. **
... shopping centres chock full of people wandering around with huge parcels and getting in your way? For six weeks! - with the last few days where you need to don battle gear to just get through the supermarket to buy the basics.
... people asking you on the 30th November if you've finished your christmas shopping, and looking askance when you tell them you haven't bought a thing yet... (and that frankly, since we've bought a lot of stuff that we've used to enhance and enrich our lives throughout the year, it's really pretty stupid to rush out and buy everybody more stuff 'just because'.)
Can the 25th December be anything but an anticlimax with a six week lead up of "Christmas Cheer"? (Christmas "ready to strangle someone"...)
I need a new drug. One that will get me through this madness each year. That or a brave pill that might give me the guts to buck the system and opt out completely.
* Photo nicked from here.
** Maybe if we cancelled christmas and all the associated throw-away crap that is manufactured we'd reduce our carbon emissions to a level which reverses global warming in the space of a year... AND if we all donated ALL the money we spent on Christmas rubbish to global aid in developing countries.. wouldn't the world be a better place?
Labels: Christmas
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Do I detect a slight hostility? A touch of Scrooge? A lack of holiday frivolity?
Just to up the anty I put Christmas themed burner covers on my stove top today. HO HO HO
I think I've been seduced by the snow fall we had overnight.
Just to up the anty I put Christmas themed burner covers on my stove top today. HO HO HO
I think I've been seduced by the snow fall we had overnight.
The best thing to do is move back in time, make sure you get pregnant in February so that you can enjoy your children's birthday's in December - now that's real forward planning!
ha ha - right with you on that one, Trace.
Although, I am not sure we can get the world to endorse "cancel Christmas for the Environment" campaign - something about those Christians wanting to spread peace and goodwill (although that is not your gripe) and those capitalists wanting to spread credit and consumer greed.
Although, I am not sure we can get the world to endorse "cancel Christmas for the Environment" campaign - something about those Christians wanting to spread peace and goodwill (although that is not your gripe) and those capitalists wanting to spread credit and consumer greed.
A touch of 'we've spent a lot of money all year', E.
Hey Maddy, my sister's first child was born on Christmas Day. I wouldn't recommend it!!
jeanie, don't start me on the religious hypocrites!!
Hey Maddy, my sister's first child was born on Christmas Day. I wouldn't recommend it!!
jeanie, don't start me on the religious hypocrites!!
alA good friend of mine said 'November is the new December' and after going to two Christmas break ups in that month I tend to agree. My grandchildren were in a Nativity Play on the first of December, only just getting into the month of December. I refuse to even think the word Christmas until December but the world catches up with you.
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